Ram’s Right Surf Point, Midigama
This is an advanced spot for killers in the middle of Midigama. Just south of Mellow about a 10 mins tuktuk/bus ride along the main road. Short, fast and hollow right break. Fast left and right sections over a shallow reef. Clean barrels holding up to 5-6ft and a 400m ride.
Midigama, Lazy Right
Just north of Ram’s right, barefoot 5 min walking distance… South of Mellow about a 10 mins tuktuk/bus ride along the main road. Sister spot of lazy left, so if you are tired of the locals or advance goofy riders in lazy left just paddle 5 minutes to right and enjoy mellow rides to the right. More a long boarder spot but can see many regular short boarders as well. This spot is close to the main road and a short paddle out from the beach rocks. Deep reef break.